Friday, May 20

Leadership urge calm following Kumo Crew incursions

Senior members of the Baxter's Exile Collective today called for calm as rumours that the recent expansion of the Kumo Crew from the Pegasi Sector to HIP 99878 were confirmed. In a so called "town hall meeting" with Claudia Larrsson and members of the more militant Hand Gang, Ms. Larson stated that the Kumo Crew had interdicted a number of Hand Gang vessels in and around the asteroid fields near the system's sun.

Ms Larrson went on to state that members of the Kumo Crew had subsequently visited Baxter's Exile for "negotiations" with the Hand Gang, the Confederacy of Cariaya, United Nganinks and Paletes Interstellar. Representatives from Cariaya and Paletes refused to attend and are said to be consulting with Federation officials on their next steps.

"Every day life on board the station, on our mining ships, for our allied traders will not change", stated Ms Larrson, "We are working with the Kumo Crew to ensure the minimum disruption to our way of life. We value our independence - it's a core tenet of our culture but there are advantages to a partnership with the Kumo Crew. For a percentage of our resources, they will be help us to preserve our way of life and ensure we do not fall into the clutches of the greedy, monolithic Federal corporations who would happily sweep us aside to exploit our system's resources for their own greed"

Friday, April 1

Conflict eases but tensions still high

The recent conflict between Paletes Interstellar and United Nganinks came to a frustrating end for both parties as neither made huge gains into effecting influence of the system's tiny population.

The system is home to less than 2000 permanent inhabitants, most of whom are loyal to the Baxter's Exile Collective and its controversial off-shoot, the Hand Gang.

There have been increasing reports of bounter hunter activity, resulting in the loss of several vessels for the Hand Gang and other factions including those from neighbouring Caraya, Nganinks and Paletes. The Baxter's Exile Collective have ironically issued bounties for all unsanctioned bounty hunting activities in the area.

Recent expansion into the system by a number of Federal and Independent organisations have seen the Hand Gang's influence fall from the high 90's last year to as little as 40% in recent weeks. Claudia Larsson, Representative of the Baxter's Exile Collective argued that the fall accounted for little - "Influence is measured in all sorts of ways. When new organisations enter the system, they also bring their own transient workers with them. This population then affects the way people perceive influence. These outside groups with their Federalist customs still in no way represent the true community of anarchic freethinkers who truly call this system their home".

Friday, November 27

A formal warning has been issued to all pilots and commanders travelling into or through the HIP 99878 star system.

Although no state of war or lockdown is in effect, there have been reports of vessels being targeted by all three factions currently disputing their territorial rights to the system.

The grandly named but somewhat overblown Confederacy of Cariaya have established an increased presence in the system following the arrival of United Nganinks.

The Confederacy, a name many see as a marketing ploy of Howard Mining Corporation, have been operating from nearby Cariaya's Howard Depot. They have recently expanded into several local star systems as the corporation seeks new territories to exploit . Reports indicate that Howard Mining Corporation recorded a successful last quarter despite the cost of expansion. Overall however, despite their increased presence, their overall influence in the system has stalled at around 25%, considerably down from their high of  48% influence of a few months ago.

United Nganinks, meanwhile, has officially stated it's position as a unifying presence seeking to bring balance to the system which it has claimed successfully achieved in Nganink. United Nganink's influence in the system is said to have increased to around 20% since arriving two weeks ago indicating some level of support for the organisation.

Meanwhile, the native anarchy faction referred to by many as the Hand Gang, have seen their overall influence in the system fall from 68% to around 55% despite recent pleas from the incumbent Representative. The squeeze on influence comes as a stressful time for the Hand Gang overall as Archon Delaine's Kumo Crew continues to expand out of the Pegasi Sector, having taken the nearby system of Firen a few months ago.

Wednesday, November 11

Press Release : United Nganinks enters system.

Mid morning, Representative Claudia Larrsson took the rostrum at the weekly community meeting to discuss the recent expansion of United Nganinks into HIP 99878 amidst news that several conflict zones had broken out in nearby Nganinks as a reaction to an increased Hand Gang presence in that system.

"From the beginning, we only wanted to be left alone. The people of our colony of Baxter's Exile, named after our founder, Jerimiah Baxter, worked hard in the asteroid fields surrounding our sun and the rings of our third world, striving to make a living far away from the likes of the Federation. For nearly two centuries, we lived an isolated life, safe in the knowledge that the huge distances between stars and the relative obscurity of our system meant that our worlds were given a wide berth. There was a time when a journey to a system like ours would have taken months or even years travelling through hyperspace. We found out to our cost that the advent of the Frame Shift Drive reduced such journeys to minutes, hours, days. We hear word that trips to the core of the galaxy can now be completed in mere days or weeks, a journey that would have taken a life time in the day of Jeremiah Baxter.

Our galaxy grows smaller, and with that come new challenges. We have seen our system rediscovered and have seen Universal Cartographic give discovery credit of our system not to our great founder but to another! I understand your anger and you should understand that I have protested most fiercely in communications with UC. As always, independent systems like our own are ridden roughshod by major powers. It was this very reason, generations ago, that our forebears sought a life, however harsh, out here in the glow of HIP 99878.

With each passing week, more outsiders enter into our borders, trying to impose their rules and their laws upon us. They need to understand that the only laws that apply in this system are the laws we administer. For this, they declare us an anarchy system and I say they are right! Their ethics are not our ethics. Their laws are not our laws.

None of us are naïve - we know our colony was born as a frontier and we have lived that way for generations. We are a proud isocracy, a community of freethinkers who believe in the power of self-ownership, mutual aid and individual reclaimation. We will work hard to maintain our status as a Permanent Autonomous Zone.

All of us have roles, roles essential to maintaining our life here at Baxter's Exile and on the harsh worlds below. I call on all of you to support the Hand Gang in their activities. For they are we and we are they! For Baxter's Exile, for HIP 99878 and for each and everyone of us - believe in Jeremiah Baxter's vision!"