Friday, April 1

Conflict eases but tensions still high

The recent conflict between Paletes Interstellar and United Nganinks came to a frustrating end for both parties as neither made huge gains into effecting influence of the system's tiny population.

The system is home to less than 2000 permanent inhabitants, most of whom are loyal to the Baxter's Exile Collective and its controversial off-shoot, the Hand Gang.

There have been increasing reports of bounter hunter activity, resulting in the loss of several vessels for the Hand Gang and other factions including those from neighbouring Caraya, Nganinks and Paletes. The Baxter's Exile Collective have ironically issued bounties for all unsanctioned bounty hunting activities in the area.

Recent expansion into the system by a number of Federal and Independent organisations have seen the Hand Gang's influence fall from the high 90's last year to as little as 40% in recent weeks. Claudia Larsson, Representative of the Baxter's Exile Collective argued that the fall accounted for little - "Influence is measured in all sorts of ways. When new organisations enter the system, they also bring their own transient workers with them. This population then affects the way people perceive influence. These outside groups with their Federalist customs still in no way represent the true community of anarchic freethinkers who truly call this system their home".