Friday, November 27

A formal warning has been issued to all pilots and commanders travelling into or through the HIP 99878 star system.

Although no state of war or lockdown is in effect, there have been reports of vessels being targeted by all three factions currently disputing their territorial rights to the system.

The grandly named but somewhat overblown Confederacy of Cariaya have established an increased presence in the system following the arrival of United Nganinks.

The Confederacy, a name many see as a marketing ploy of Howard Mining Corporation, have been operating from nearby Cariaya's Howard Depot. They have recently expanded into several local star systems as the corporation seeks new territories to exploit . Reports indicate that Howard Mining Corporation recorded a successful last quarter despite the cost of expansion. Overall however, despite their increased presence, their overall influence in the system has stalled at around 25%, considerably down from their high of  48% influence of a few months ago.

United Nganinks, meanwhile, has officially stated it's position as a unifying presence seeking to bring balance to the system which it has claimed successfully achieved in Nganink. United Nganink's influence in the system is said to have increased to around 20% since arriving two weeks ago indicating some level of support for the organisation.

Meanwhile, the native anarchy faction referred to by many as the Hand Gang, have seen their overall influence in the system fall from 68% to around 55% despite recent pleas from the incumbent Representative. The squeeze on influence comes as a stressful time for the Hand Gang overall as Archon Delaine's Kumo Crew continues to expand out of the Pegasi Sector, having taken the nearby system of Firen a few months ago.